Readings of the Day

Gaudete Sunday
The naming of this day comes from the ancient practice of referring to the celebration of the day by the first word appearing in the introit, or entrance hymn for the proper liturgy. Gaudete is the first word of that entrance hymn which is taken from Phillipians 4:4 which is also the first line of the second reading (see readings of the day above).
Gaudete in Domino semper; iterum dico, gaudete.
Modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus;
Dominus enim prope est.
Lucy died at Syracuse, probably during the persecution of Diocletian. From Antiquity her cult spread throughout the Church, and her name was therefore introduced into the Roman Canon.
Give us courage through the prayers of Saint Lucy.As we celebrate her entrance into eternal glory,We ask to share her happiness in the life to come.The liturgy of the Third Sunday of Advent takes precedence over this memorial.
John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor John of the Cross was born at Fontiveros in Spain around 1542. After a number of years as a Carmelite, he was persuaded by Saint Teresa of Avila in 1568 to lead a reform movement among the brothers which brought a new energy to the Carmelite Order. Renowned for his wisdom and sanctity he died at Ubeda in 1591. His spiritual writings remain a fitting testimony to his life.

John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor John of the Cross was born at Fontiveros in Spain around 1542. After a number of years as a Carmelite, he was persuaded by Saint Teresa of Avila in 1568 to lead a reform movement among the brothers which brought a new energy to the Carmelite Order. Renowned for his wisdom and sanctity he died at Ubeda in 1591. His spiritual writings remain a fitting testimony to his life.
you endowed John of the Cross with a spirit of self-denial
and a love of the cross.
By following his example.
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